# Brave Detection Block BDB (chrome extension): ![BDB LOGO](/images/BDB-ICON256.png?raw=true "BDB LOGO") Although Brave is a good privacy browser it has some features that are pretty against privacy like an official method for website to detect you are running brave. This method is by cheking a custom property on the navigator object, accessable at `window.navigator.brave`. This is probably a point where marketing and data collection coliedes with any privacy ethos. This extension is ment to delete that property and make it impossible to detect if you are running brave using that method. Download from Chrome-Store(only download if you are running Brave): [Brave-Detection-Blocker-Chrome-Extension](https://https://github.com/andrei0x309/Brave-Detection-Blocker-Chrome-Extension) ## Privacy Policy Link: [PRIVACY_POLICY.md](PRIVACY_POLICY.md) ### License: MIT ### Notes: This extension was made to be compatible with [Random User Agent](https://github.com/tarampampam/random-user-agent/) extension. ### 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭: Discord: andrei0x309#6562