A: The main idea is to extend the codebase to try additional platforms like Desktop and Mobile because Ionic has a simple and friendly interface that is instantly ready to use with no additional design work.
A: - It assumes that the user has some knowledge about the EVM ecosystem. It doesn't come with any predefined network. You can add any EVM network you want, and it lets you select from the templates of some more popular networks.
- You can have the key stored with or without encryption, you can enable or disable auto-lock, and you can force decryption for every message sign or transaction sign & send.
A: Should work on most modern websites as a Metamask replacement. Currently is pretty stable. It has a nice set of features that I needed.
I developed this pretty fast in my free time, and you should always back-up your keys( since I've seen even well-known wallets sometimes render keys inaccessible). This wallet only handles the keys and personal data locally for maximum privacy and trust.