# YUP Live Chrome Extension > Svelte open source helper extension for YUP protocol, a decentralized social media platform. Chrome Store link [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/yup-live/ljoghhmlndknifghijohbmciobhaibhc](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/yup-live/ljoghhmlndknifghijohbmciobhaibhc) ## Features - Extremely light-weight size is less than 1080p picture. - No external dependencies. - No production dependencies. - No external components. - Made with Svelte & WindiCSS & TypeScript & Vite. - Everything loaded asynchronously. - Inhouse router system. - Automatically detects and disables other YUP chrome extensions. ## Pages - Main page - profile, balance, and website rating system. - Optional Notifications page - shows notifications. - Settings page - change settings. - Login page - login or create an account using the YUP Live website. - Usage page - show how many likes you have left and a counter for the next refill. - Info page - show info about the extension. ## Additional features - Chrome notification at login. - Light and dark theme. - Optionally enable or disable the notification system. - Opt-in notification setting for reward. - Opt-in notification setting at actions refill. - Optionally enable an overlay for all websites for an easy rating on mobile. ## Screenshots ![Screenshot 1](/misc/screen_1.png?raw=true "Screenshot 1") ![Screenshot 2](/misc/screen_2.png?raw=true "Screenshot 2") ## Possible ways to contribute - Install and use the extension. - Fork the repository. - Open a pull request. - Open an issue. - Rate the extension. - Star the repository. - Share the extension.