import { SEND_AUTH_NOTIF } from '@/constants/messeges'; import { initStorage } from '@/utils/storage' import { getStore, setProfile, setNotifStorageNotifs, setSettings, setNotifStorageLastRewardNotif, getNotifStorageLastRewardNotif } from '@/utils/storage' import type { Notification } from '@/utils/types'; import { API_BASE } from '@/constants/config'; import { getNotifications } from '@/utils/notifications'; import { setBadge } from '@/utils/chrome-misc' import { closeTo } from '@/utils/time'; import { getActionUsage } from '@/utils/user'; // Disable conflict with yup extension const yupExtensionId = 'nhmeoaahigiljjdkoagafdccikgojjoi''Service worker started') const alarmHandler = async () => { const store = await getStore() const requests = {} as Record> if (store?.user?.auth?.authToken) { requests.profile = fetch(`${API_BASE}/web3-profiles/` + store.user.auth.address) if (store?.settings.notificationsEnabled) { requests.notifications = getNotifications({ type: 'all', limit: '15', skip: '0', userId: store.user.auth.userId }) } requests.coinGecko = fetch('') try { const profile = await requests.profile as Response const profileJson = await profile.json() setProfile(profileJson).catch(console.error) } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching profile', error) } try { const coinGecko = await requests.coinGecko as Response const coinGeckoJson = await coinGecko.json() const coinGeckoPrice = coinGeckoJson.yup.usd const store = await getStore() if (store.settings.coinGeckoPrice !== coinGeckoPrice) { await{ store: {, settings: {, coinGeckoPrice } } }) } } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching coinGecko', error) } if (store?.settings.notificationsEnabled) { try { const notifications = await requests.notifications as Notification[] const notSeen = notifications.reverse().filter(notif => !notif.seen) const updateSettings = {} as Record if (notSeen.length > 0) { setBadge(String(notSeen.length)) setNotifStorageNotifs(notSeen).catch(console.error) updateSettings.hasNewNotifications = true } else { setBadge('') updateSettings.hasNewNotifications = false } setSettings(updateSettings).catch(console.error) if (store.settings?.chromeNotifWhenReward && notSeen.some(notif => notif.action === 'reward')) { const rewardNotif = notSeen.find(notif => notif.action === 'reward') if (rewardNotif) { const storeReward = (await getNotifStorageLastRewardNotif()) if (!storeReward || ( !== rewardNotif._id && !closeTo(new Date(storeReward.createdAt), new Date(rewardNotif.createdAt), 2e4) )) { { await setNotifStorageLastRewardNotif({ createdAt: rewardNotif.createdAt, id: rewardNotif._id }); await chrome.notifications.create({ type: 'basic', iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'), title: 'Yup Live Extension', message: `You have been alocated a future reward of ${rewardNotif.quantity} YUP`, }) } } } } if (store.settings?.chromeNotifWhenAbleToVote) { await getActionUsage(store?.user?.auth?.userId) } } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching notifications', error) } } } } chrome.alarms.create( 'alarm', { periodInMinutes: 1, }, ) chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(alarmHandler) chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(() => { initStorage(), false) }); chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(() => { initStorage(), false) }) chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (request, sender, sendResponse) => { try { if (request.type === SEND_AUTH_NOTIF) { chrome.notifications.create({ type: 'basic', iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'), title: 'Yup Live Extension', message: 'You have been logged in.', }) } } catch (error) { console.error('Error in message listener', error) sendResponse({ error }) } return true })