import type { Vote } from './types' import { fetchWAuth } from './auth' import type { StorageType } from './storage' const API_BASE = '' export const getPost = async (url: string): Promise => { try { const res = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ url }) }) if(res.ok) { return (await res.json())?.[0] ?? null } } catch { return null } } export const hasVote = (postId: string, account: string): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve) => { fetch(`${API_BASE}/votes/post/${postId}/voter/${account}`).then((res) => { if (res.ok) { res.json().then((json) => { resolve(json) }) } else { resolve([] as Vote[]) } }) }) } export const executeVote = async ({ userVote, post, url, $mainStore, $alertStore, noVoteAlert = false }) => { const body = {} as Record let voteid = '' if (userVote?._id) { voteid = userVote._id.voteid } else if(post) { body.postid = post._id.postid } else { body.url = url } body.rating = userVote.rating body.voter = $mainStore.user.auth.userId console.log(body.voter) if ( { = true } else { = false } const req = await fetchWAuth($mainStore, `${API_BASE}/votes${voteid ? '/' + voteid : ''}`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(body) }) if (req.ok) { noVoteAlert || $alertStore?.show('Rating submited!') return await req.json() } else { const err = await req.text() if (err.includes('limit')) { $alertStore?.show('Rating limit reached!!!', 'warning') } else if(err.includes('requests')) { $alertStore?.show('You have made too many request try again after 24h', 'warning') } else if(err.toLocaleLowerCase().includes('unauthorized')) { $alertStore?.show('Seems your auth token is not valid anymore re-login!!', 'error') } else { $alertStore?.show('Vote not submited due to error try to re-login!', 'error') } return null } } export const getVotePayload = ({ url, store, type }: { url: string, store: StorageType, type: boolean }) => { return { userVote: { like: type, rating: 1 }, post: '', url: (url || '').replace(/\/$/gms, ''), $mainStore: store, $alertStore: null } }