
108 lines
4.8 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import Alert from "@/components/Alert.svelte";
import LikeIcon from "@/components/LikeIcon.svelte";
import '@/overlay/overlay.scss'
import { getStore } from "@/utils/storage";
import { executeVote, getVotePayload } from "@/utils/votes";
import { API_BASE } from '@/constants/config';
import { fetchWAuth } from '@/utils/auth'
import { hasVote, getPost } from '@/utils/votes';
import { onMount } from "svelte";
let alert
let loading = false
let hasUserVote = false
let postid = null
const getPostIntial = async (onlyPost = false) => {
const store = await getStore()
loading = true
const post = await getPost(document.location.href)
if(!post) {
postid = null
loading = false
} else {
postid = post._id.postid
if(!onlyPost) {
const has = (await hasVote(post._id.postid, store.user.auth.userId))?.[0] ?? null
hasUserVote = true
} else {
hasUserVote = false
loading = false
const submitRate = async (type = true) => {
if(loading) return
loading = true
const store = await getStore()
const vote = await executeVote(getVotePayload({
url: document.location.href,
if (vote?._id){
alert.show('Liked!', 'success')
hasUserVote = true
} else {
alert.show('Error submitting', 'error')
loading = false
const deleteVote = async () => {
if(loading) {
try {
loading = true
const store = await getStore()
const reqVote = await fetch(`${API_BASE}/votes/post/${postid}/voter/${store.user.auth.userId}`)
const voteId = (await reqVote.json())[0]._id.voteid
const p1 = fetchWAuth(store, `${API_BASE}/votes/${voteId}`, {
method: 'DELETE'
const [req] = await Promise.all([p1])
if (req.ok) {
await getPostIntial()
hasUserVote = false
alert.show('Vote deleted!', 'success')
} else {
alert.show('Vote not deleted due to error try to re-login!', 'error')
loading = false
} catch (error) {
alert.show('The vote could not be deleted!', 'error')
loading = false
onMount(async () => {
loading = true
await getPostIntial()
loading = false
<div class="yup-overlay" >
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<button class="{`yup-btn up ${loading? 'disabled' : ''}`}"
on:click={() => {
if(hasUserVote) {
} else {
<LikeIcon className="yup-rate-svg" solid={hasUserVote} />
<Alert bind:this={alert} />