
281 lines
12 KiB

import { SEND_AUTH_NOTIF, ENABLE_RIGHT_CLICK, DISABLE_RIGHT_CLICK } from '@/constants/messeges';
import { initStorage } from '@/utils/storage'
import { getStore, setProfile, setNotifStorageNotifs, setSettings,
setNotifStorageLastRewardNotif, getNotifStorageLastRewardNotif, getSetting, setSetting } from '@/utils/storage'
import type { Notification } from '@/utils/types';
import { API_BASE } from '@/constants/config';
import { getNotifications } from '@/utils/notifications';
import { setBadge, extrenalNavigate } from '@/utils/chrome-misc'
import { closeTo } from '@/utils/time';
import { getActionUsage } from '@/utils/user';
import { executeVote, getVotePayload } from '@/utils/votes';
import { YUP_APP_BASE } from '@/constants/config';
// Disable conflict with yup extension
const yupExtensionId = 'nhmeoaahigiljjdkoagafdccikgojjoi'
console.info('Service worker started')
let notificationUrl: string
const buttons = {
buttons: [{
title: 'Open in App',
const notificationActionListner = async (id: string) => {
try {
const url = new URL(notificationUrl ?? `${YUP_APP_BASE}/notifications`)
} catch {
// ignore
if (!chrome.notifications.onButtonClicked.hasListener(notificationActionListner)){
const onRightClickLike = async (store, info, tab) => {
const vote = await executeVote(getVotePayload({
url: tab.url,
type: true
if (store?.settings?.enableRightClickNotif) {
if (vote?._id) {
await chrome.notifications.create({
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'),
title: 'Yup Live Extension',
message: `Your rating has been submitted`,
} else {
await chrome.notifications.create({
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'),
title: 'Yup Live Extension',
message: `There was an error submitting your rating`,
const enableRightClickVote = async () => {
try {
await chrome.contextMenus.removeAll();
await chrome.contextMenus.create({
id: "yup-like",
title: "Like this page",
contexts: ["page", "page_action"],
} catch (error) {
// ignore
const disableRightClickVote = async () => {
try {
await chrome.contextMenus.remove("yup-like");
} catch (error) {
// ignore
if(chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn('Error creating context menu', chrome.runtime.lastError.message)
const alarmHandler = async () => {
const store = await getStore()
const requests = {} as Record<string, Promise<Response | Notification[]>>
if (store?.user?.auth?.authToken) {
requests.profile = fetch(`${API_BASE}/web3-profiles/` + store.user.auth.address)
if (store?.settings.notificationsEnabled) {
requests.notifications = getNotifications({
type: null,
limit: '15',
skip: '0',
address: store.user.auth.address
requests.coinGecko = fetch('https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=yup&vs_currencies=usd')
try {
const profile = await requests.profile as Response
const profileJson = await profile.json()
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching profile', error)
try {
const coinGecko = await requests.coinGecko as Response
const coinGeckoJson = await coinGecko.json()
const coinGeckoPrice = coinGeckoJson.yup.usd
const store = await getStore()
if (store.settings.coinGeckoPrice !== coinGeckoPrice) {
await chrome.storage.local.set({ store: { ...store, settings: { ...store.settings, coinGeckoPrice } } })
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching coinGecko', error)
if (store?.settings.notificationsEnabled) {
try {
const notifications = await requests.notifications as Notification[]
const notSeen = notifications.filter(notif => !notif.seen)
const updateSettings = {} as Record<string, boolean>
if (notSeen.length > 0) {
updateSettings.hasNewNotifications = true
} else {
updateSettings.hasNewNotifications = false
if (store.settings?.chromeNotifWhenReward && notSeen.some(notif => notif.eventType === 'reward')) {
const rewardNotif = notSeen.find(notif => notif.eventType === 'reward')
if (rewardNotif) {
const storeReward = (await getNotifStorageLastRewardNotif())
if (!storeReward || (storeReward.id !== rewardNotif._id
&& !closeTo(new Date(storeReward.createdAt), new Date(rewardNotif.createdAt), 2e4)
)) {
await setNotifStorageLastRewardNotif({ createdAt: rewardNotif.createdAt, id: rewardNotif._id });
await chrome.notifications.create({
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'),
title: 'Yup Live Extension',
message: `You have been alocated a future reward of ${rewardNotif?.meta.quantity ?? "unknown"} YUP`,
} else if (store.settings?.enableFollowNotif && notSeen.some(notif => notif.eventType === 'follow')) {
const followNotif = notSeen.filter(notif => notif.eventType === 'follow').sort((a, b) => new Date(b.createdAt).getTime() - new Date(a.createdAt).getTime())[0]
const lastFollowNotif = await getSetting('lastfollowNotif') as number
const isNew = !lastFollowNotif || ( !closeTo(new Date(lastFollowNotif), new Date(followNotif.createdAt), 2e4))
if (followNotif && isNew) {
notificationUrl = followNotif?.senders?.[0]._id ? `${YUP_APP_BASE}/account/${followNotif?.senders?.[0]._id}`: undefined
await chrome.notifications.create({
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'),
title: 'Yup Live Extension',
message: `${followNotif.senders[0].handle} has followed you`,
await setSetting('lastfollowNotif', new Date(followNotif.createdAt).getTime())
} else if (store.settings?.enableCommentNotif && notSeen.some(notif => notif.eventType === 'comment')) {
const commentNotif = notSeen.filter(notif => notif.eventType === 'comment').sort((a, b) => new Date(b.createdAt).getTime() - new Date(a.createdAt).getTime())[0]
const lastCommentNotif = await getSetting('lastCommentNotif') as number
const isNew = !lastCommentNotif || ( !closeTo(new Date(lastCommentNotif), new Date(commentNotif.createdAt), 2e4))
if (commentNotif && isNew) {
notificationUrl = commentNotif?.meta?.postid ? `${YUP_APP_BASE}/post/${commentNotif?.meta?.postid}`: undefined
await chrome.notifications.create({
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'),
title: 'Yup Live Extension',
message: `${commentNotif.senders[0].handle} has commented on your post`,
await setSetting('lastCommentNotif', new Date(commentNotif.createdAt).getTime())
} else if (store.settings?.enableMentionNotif && notSeen.some(notif => notif.eventType === 'mention')) {
const mentionNotif = notSeen.filter(notif => notif.eventType === 'mention').sort((a, b) => new Date(b.createdAt).getTime() - new Date(a.createdAt).getTime())[0]
const lastMentionNotif = await getSetting('lastMentionNotif') as number
const isNew = !lastMentionNotif || ( !closeTo(new Date(lastMentionNotif), new Date(mentionNotif.createdAt), 2e4))
if (mentionNotif && isNew) {
notificationUrl = mentionNotif?.meta?.postid ? `${YUP_APP_BASE}/post/${mentionNotif?.meta?.postid}`: undefined
await chrome.notifications.create({
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'),
title: 'Yup Live Extension',
message: `${mentionNotif.senders[0].handle} has mentioned you`,
await setSetting('lastMentionNotif', new Date(mentionNotif.createdAt).getTime())
if (store.settings?.chromeNotifWhenAbleToVote) {
await getActionUsage(store?.user?.auth?.userId)
} catch (error) {
// console.error('Error fetching notifications', error)
// ignore
periodInMinutes: 0.1,
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async () => {
chrome.management.setEnabled(yupExtensionId, false)
const store = await getStore()
if (store?.user?.auth?.authToken && store?.settings?.enableRightClick) {
chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(async () => {
chrome.management.setEnabled(yupExtensionId, false)
const store = await getStore()
if (store?.user?.auth?.authToken && store?.settings?.enableRightClick) {
chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(async (info, tab) => {
if (info.menuItemId === 'yup-like') {
const store = await getStore()
if (store?.user?.auth?.authToken) {
onRightClickLike(store, info, tab)
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (request, sender, sendResponse) => {
try {
// console.log('Message received', request)
const lastLoginNotifTime = Number(await getSetting('lastLoginNotif'))
const moreThanOneDay = (new Date().getTime() - lastLoginNotifTime) > 864e5
if (request.type === SEND_AUTH_NOTIF && moreThanOneDay) {
type: 'basic',
iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL('src/assets/icons/yup_ext_128.png'),
title: 'Yup Live Extension',
message: 'You have been logged in.',
setSetting('lastLoginNotif', new Date().getTime())
sendResponse({ success: true })
} else if (request.type === ENABLE_RIGHT_CLICK) {
await enableRightClickVote()
sendResponse({ success: true })
} else if (request.type === DISABLE_RIGHT_CLICK) {
await disableRightClickVote()
sendResponse({ success: true })
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error in message listener', error)
sendResponse({ error })
return true