2023-03-07 19:16:55 +02:00

2.2 KiB


Manifest Version 1.2.4

  • updated showing assets page to use new api
  • removed yup score from assets page
  • change the info modal in settings

Manifest Version 1.2.3

  • injected stub with chrome feature available in chrome 103 ( register world ) to bypass CSP
  • clear up some console errors
  • pushed minimum version to 103

Manifest Version 1.2.2

  • updated dependencies

Manifest Version 1.2.1

  • added support fro eth_getTransactionCount method

Manifest Version 1.1.9

  • added proxy in intial stub for send, request, sendAsync for better compatibility

Manifest Version 1.1.8

  • added support to extract private key from seed when adding account

Manifest Version 1.1.7

  • added support for eth get code method
  • added article about repo in

Manifest Version 1.1.6

  • made wallet proxy return true on trying to overwrite object (to fix an issue with the official polygon bridge website)
  • change sendAsync implementation to not redirect to send method to improve compatibility
  • added notification on gas estimation error due to invalid decimal trimming from user

Manifest Version 1.1.5

  • Added multiple new multiple implementations of MetamaskAPI including request to add a network by a website
  • Injecting in sync mode stub wallet to increese compatibility with websites that expect a walled defined at the lowest point of page load
  • Modifing CSP requests to allow sync injecting of stub
  • Added Web3 Shim for compatibility with older websites
  • Tested new websites and TX's
  • Refactoring the 10 maximum conqurent messages limit
  • Added support for most of listners and improve emiting them
  • Added a post buil script
  • Switch the content script to load initialy without a wrapper module

Manifest Version: 1.1.4

  • Added max 10 allowed concurrent messages to the wallet to prevent abusive websites from sending too many messages.
  • Added explorer-button to main wallet page for easier viewing of the selected address on the blockchain explorer.
  • Show the price converted in dollars also besides the native token price on transaction view for networks: 1(Ethereum), 137(Polygon), 100(Gnosis), 10(Optimism), 56(BSC), 42161(Arbitrum One)